Thursday 20 September 2012


Mmmm mmm yeah
Do do do do do do do-do
Ohh Yeah

Gotta stop horsing around
I feel like such a fool
Cause right now it seems that
Everyone thinks its cool

And I know it makes no sense
Cause it's such a catchy song
But how many times do you need to
Hear it on and on?!!

(It's ridiculous)
It's been months
But they keep playing it over
(I am not alone)
I know you feel the same way too
(enough is enough)
No more jumping round
With my hand out
I'm so tired of seeing guys
Trying to look like PSY

And I'm so sick of Gangnam
and all its parodies
So tired of dancing
Like I have some diseases
Said im so sick of Gangnam
Everywhere I go
Can you please stop sharing that video

(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
That darn video
Stop dancing like a silly child
What The hell is gangnam style?
Just let it go

Please don't share that video

Cause I'm so sick of Gangnam
and all its parodies
So tired of dancing
Like I have some diseases
Said im so sick of Gangnam
Everywhere I go
Can you please stop sharing that video

Said I'm so sick of Gangnam
and all its parodies
So tired of dancing
Like I have some diseases
Said im so sick of Gangnam
Everywhere I go
Can you please stop sharing that video
Please stop sharing that video

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