Friday 14 September 2012


God damn it. Words can't describe how pissed i am with my mum right now. God, just take her away from me.

Right just now, she came back from her 'WORK', and she started scolding me because i was taking a nap. I mean, bitch please, you're the one who ask me to NOT watch so much television and take some rest, so i did! But NOOOOOOOO, you come back and scold the fuck outta me. GOD DAMN IT. And then she starts asking me to do chores, HER CHORES!!! (sweep, mop, wash the clothes, fold the clothes and more) I mean, i know that our maid left, doesn't mean I'VE to do all of it, right?!

Now, she says i can't go to the date i'm having tomorrow with 'him'........ And Kok Kin (Friend)..... Bitch, tomorrow is REALLY REALLY important to me! I've even prepared what to wear tomorrow!!

If i could replace my mum, i would do so. I SERIOUSLY WOULD. God i'm so angry right now.

Bitch just let me live my own life, stop being such a CONTROL FREAKKKKK! >:(

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